bibbulmun track spreadsheet

If youre attempting an end-to-end for the first time, youll inevitably develop your own way of living on the track that will probably vary a little from the directions in this guide. While on the contrary I bought packets of sugary lollies straight from the huge supermarket at home and packed them in my food parcels. In August of 2018 after 2.5 years of planning I started my thru-hike of the 1005km Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia. In the 1920s, free land was offered to group settlers to establish a dairy industry. That said, its totally doable to do a thru-hike solely on town-bought supplies if you dont mind paying a little extra and youre not a fussy eater. I have met a lot of people with the same foot conformation so, if this applies to you, you may need to choose between sore toes or blisters on your heels. Im just worried about how rocky the sleeping areas are etc. I have since found a fabulous tape called fixumol, which I put on my heels and toes at the start of a hike as a preventative measure and add more of as hot-spots begin to develop. Definitely not perfect but I was trying! Walking the Bibbulmun has been one of the best things Ive ever done not only because it whipped me into shape after years of being overweight, but because it gave me an appreciation for adventure and the natural world. In May this year, Tim and I will be flying to Western Australia to take on our biggest challenge yet; well be hiking the Bibbulmun track, 1,000 km through the remote Australian wilderness. Also, the campsites, which are located between 10 and 20 kilometres apart, are closer together near Perth, which is useful for end to end walkers to ease themselves into condition. The Bibbulmun Track passes through Pemberton and we did two walks, totalling 7 hours. Thanks for all the information about the Bibbulman Track. Food planning & resupplying on the Bibbulmun Track! And if youre tired enough youll fall sleep! If youre on a tight budget, its still possible to put together a kit with gear from AliExpress and sale items watch this space for gear reviews on how to make that happen! was to work out what to take with me. Each campsite has a three-sided shelter, a water tank, a drop toilet and picnic tables. My niece is currently on the track and has pre-planned food drops along the way. For advice specific to the Bibbulmun, the Bibbulmun Track Hikers Facebook group is a useful resource. In this section you will find a brief description of the towns that lie on, or adjacent to, the Track. With tips on how to create your ideal. My kneecaps tend to rub against their track if I allow my IT band to get too tight, so I make a point of stretching it and rolling it out whenever I get the chance. Besides a 5,000-litre rain water tank, each campsite has a sturdy three-sided timber hut with a tin roof, a bush toilet, tent sites, and a picnic table. This would create the best variation and flexibility, encouraging me to explore the track towns and purchase local foods, while still predominately enjoying the same meals I would eat at home everyday!! Thanks Ben. Western Australias famous Bibbulmun Track extending from Kalamunda in the Perth hills to Albany on the south coast has much to offer in that regard and the best seasons to walk it are Winter and Spring. It was at a travel writing workshop with Susan Storm in early 1998. Tank water should be treated, either with a filter, a UV lamp or some chemical treatment method. Hi! Me most of all that article had obviously made a bigger impression on me than Id imagined. This Bibbulmun Track FB Group page was started by David Baird in mid 2009. It also provides schools with the resources to participate in the WACE endorsed end-to-end program and students to attain the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Doing it sandals should surely count for more than a regular end-to-end. Metal rungs were hammered into the tree trunks to form a spiral ladder leading up to a look out in the canopy of the tree. Despite and abnormally rainy experience, it was quite the relaxing hike. I have opted for. Ever since I got them, my arch pain has been a non-issue. More to come, I'm sure. 4WD campers have the luxury of an engine with a few hundred horsepower to lug all their gear around, while hikers only have their own two legs. The Bibbulmun Track is a walking trail that stretches from Kalamunda, on the outer reaches of Perth, to the south coast harbour town of Albany. These notes will help to make your Bibbulmun Track experience safer and more enjoyable. The Bibbulmun Track is a long-distance walk trail in Western Australia.. In the end I came away with the resupply plan: Kalamunda Sullivans Rock: Pack everything, dehydrating my own food & carrying from the start to reach Sullivans Rock, Sullivans Rock Dwellingup: Pack everything, dehydrating my own food & organise a trail angel to drop off near Sullivans Rock to reach Dwellingup. The Bibbulmun Track often has temporary diversions and permanent realignments for various reasons, which can extend the distance to be walked on any day. Thanks Andrew for such detailed notes. Cooking for two, I prepared and dehydrated batches of 8-12 serves (4-6 days) of 11 different dishes, once or twice a week during our preparation time rather than all at once at the end, so the task wasn't too overwhelming. Your email address will not be published. During the summer months (December to February) very hot weather, low water supplies, and abundant flies can make long walks very uncomfortable and even dangerous. I currently have a fracture of my fifth metatarsal which will heal by then but I am wondering about the steepness of the terrain, especially near the Gloucester tree, and also the unevenness of the ground. Ive never had a single blister since I started wearing Injinji toe socks as a liner, underneath thicker wool socks (in my case, Darn Toughs). We have been planning in earnest for a few weeks now and we have been using a huge excel spreadsheet to help us battle the logistics one step at a time. If you ever got foot pain while walking, its worth going to a podiatrist to get your feet assessed. I vividly remember the day I committed to walk the Bibbulmun Track. There are three-sided shelters with picnic tables, rainwater tanks, as well as dunnies with toilet bowls and sometimes even toilet paper. Travel from Perth Airport to Fremantle for $4.50, Take a walk on the wild side walking the Bibbulmun Track, What to take on a multi-day Bibbulmun Track hike, Follow Local Travel Tips on These pages are bursting with information to help you have a safe and pleasant journey. For a thru-hike or multi-day section hike youll need: The key difference between hiking equipment and regular camping equipment is its size and weight. Get insights together with secure sharing in real-time and from any device. The $270,000 structure was designed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in consultation with the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and has been constructed using fire resistant products such as rammed earth and steel. I will definitely have to crack down on what I bring in order of importance. There certainly are! It is managed by government agencies, and has a foundation. There are plenty of great online resources with more info on long-distance hiking. The WA Parks Foundation is running two prize draws online throughout March to encourage membership to help support the Foundations, Dark Sky Festival celebrates total solar eclipse, The Dark Sky Festival from 19 to 21 April will take place in the Shires of Ashburton, Carnarvon and Exmouth, Signing up to protect endangered black cockatoos, Murdoch University is working closely with Main Roads Western Australia on projects to minimise the impact of motorists and road. To help you get started on overnight walks the Foundation also has a range of items for hire. There are buses from all the main track towns to Perth or Albany in case we get injured and need to bail. Just read your article, brilliant! For gear reviews, I often rely on Outdoor Gear Lab. The rest includes a teeny, tiny cooker and gas canister, down jacket, one change of clothes, basic hygiene kit, first aid kit and basic electronics. A fully-stocked ultralight backpack using mainly gear from decent overseas manufacturers will cost somewhere between 2000-3500AUD. Notes for Potential Hikers of the Bibbulmun Track Introduction. If you have a car, you can drive to an accessible place on the Track, walk to a certain point then retrace your steps back to the car. Your email address will not be published. These pages provide youth group leaders with the necessary tools to plan, lead and complete a successful expedition on the Bibbulmun Track. Distinctive yellow triangles displaying a waugal symbol (a rainbow serpent spirit-being from the Aboriginal Dreaming) are nailed to trees along the way to mark the Track. Its important to ensure your pack fits comfortably and has a good hip belt to keep the weight on your hips rather than on your shoulders. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). The next most important consideration for a long distance hike is your pack. She made a road trip the week before she left and dropped off her own supplies. The Bibbs campsites are far better than those on the famous Appalachian Trail, but not quite as lavish as those in Tasmania or New Zealand. The karri tree is one of the tallest species in the world, reaching heights of ninety metres, and some of the tallest karri trees in the area were used as fire lookouts from the 1930s to the 1960s. The majority of this comes from the big four: pack, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and tent - most of which we already had and are heavier than we might like. Shane Johnstone, who set out to break a record of WA's Bibbulmun Track, has finished the gruelling run well ahead of schedule.. Let's see how we go! The Bibbulmun Track is one of Australia's famous long distance bush walking trails. I hope to do this one day soon. Two of the original fire lookout trees can still be climbed by daring visitors. Should just bite the bullet and get one! How many days of food could I carry at a time? Looking at starting mid September, I hope thats a good time. BT Day 33: Nerang to Monadnocks 855.9km (25km) June 19, 2021. One of many shelters with covered tables and water tanks. The Pingerup Plains between Northcliffe and Mandalay Beach are usually inundated in late winter and spring, but many hikers believe its worth a few days of wading to see their magnificent wildflowers in full bloom. If you ever come this way let me know so I can return the favour While cooking and dehydrating meals took extra time & energy, this allowed me to enjoy meals that were more delicious, full of veggies & legumes, lighter & cheaper than many supermarket options. my partner and I are planning to do the Bibbulmun Track starting ~14th of September (we're arriving 10th of September in Perth from Europe) and we're looking for some advice. The only bad time to walk the Bibbulmun is summer. The Bibbulmun Track is one of the longest continuously marked trails in Australia, stretching 963 kilometres from Kalamunda, 20 kilometres east of Perth, to Albany on the southern coast of Western Australia. Megan, I find this very good sharing, especially on the resupply considerations that included supporting local businesses. Hi Emma, Next time I would dehydrate even more of my own food, specifically dinners if time allowed (they just worked out so well! I charge both from a portable battery pack, which usually lasts me between towns. Donnelly River Village only had a simple general store. It may be several weeks before you arrive there on foot, so make sure your food parcel is water- and vermin-proof by packing the food in plastic bags, inside plastic boxes, inside another large plastic bag. Sounds as though it might be possible..Rosie, > miso soup (Ajishima freeze-dried miso with fungi, South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory, :rk:2:pf:0, 1913222176, edit#gid=0, 1858826788, 1659377176. Hello Andrew. At this time the wild flowers (including orchids) are out, temperatures are moderate, and the streams and water tanks are likely to have plenty of water in them. Feel free to comment below for advice, or suggested additions to this guide. Copyright 2023 Bibbulmun Track Foundation. Therefore, if my boots fit well at the heels, my second toes end up getting battered on hikes and eventually, the nails turn black and drop off. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation hires out dehydrators to Western Australian locals for a fortnight. I was really happy to be a trail angel for one of your re-supply days. Track Angels are locals that support hikers on the track - whether they be end to enders like us, or just doing sections of it - with food drops, accommodation, advice and lifts. Collie Donnelly River Village: Purchase all of my food from the Collie supermarkets & Balingup shops to reach Donnelly River Village. It was another early settler who arrived a year later, Pemberton Walcott, who gave the town its name. I also occasionally use my phone. Maps, other guides and information on diversions can be found on the Bibbulmun Track Foundation website. An Australian owned one-stop-shop for outdoor and adventure equipment! You should always use this calculator in conjunction with the Bibbulmun Track maps and guidebooks as whilst the distances are a good guide, they are rounded to the nearest 100 metres. Of course, equally valid pursuits enjoyed by many visitors are eating, drinking and relaxing in nature! Buying food along the way also allowed me to get meals that I wanted to eat at the time, instead of having to make those choices months in advance. This well blazed trail travels through many national parks and state forests with various terrain that ranges from dense forest to beautiful coastland. The shelters with the water supplies are 10 km apart in the first few days out of Perth, average 18 km over the rest of the track until they go back to 10-12 km apart as you come into Albany. Im trying to cut down on as much weight as possible. The website also carries excellent suggestions for itineraries ranging from two to six days, with each itinerary including suggestions for day-walks on the Track, as well as sights and attractions to visit. Many people undertake this journey as a section hike, doing pieces of it over a period of months and even years. It will come in very useful when I finally get to do my own E2E. I have since found a fabulous tape called fixumol, which I put on my heels and toes at the start of a hike as a preventative measure and add more of as hot-spots begin to develop. Photos featured on this site are courtesy of Tourism WA, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Doug Coughran, Colin Ingram, Peter Nicholas, L-A Shibish and Nature Play WA. Each hut can accommodate between eight and 15 people (depending on the design) sleeping on wooden boards. Bibbulmun Planner then met with a track veteran, "Wrong Way Jim" (eeeeekkk) at the Bibbulmun Track Foundation (BTF) to hone it further. If you are not sure then please contact us. Keep up to date on our projects, our supporters, opportunities for involvement and more. Posted on July 8, 2018 Charting my travels around the world, one adventure at a time. Autumn (March to May) is another good time weather-wise, though water supplies will be low if you set off early in the season before the rain. After all, hiking is only walking for a long time. As a traveller from eastern side of Australia doing this hike in pieces wasn't an option. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. However, you don't need to finish it in one go, with 49 campsites along the track. cooking at home with bulk foods & predominately organic or local vegetables that were purchased from independent stores but would then travel to Western Australia, buying food in these small towns from local businesses that sell ethical products to support their local food economy, understanding I would be shopping from supermarkets and purchasing standard food, sold in packaging both here at home & in Western Australia. Copyright 2023 Bibbulmun Track Foundation. The Bibbulmun's Wagyl or Rainbow Serpent blaze. This well blazed trail travels through many national parks and state forests with various terrain that ranges from dense forest to beautiful coastland. This creates a logistical nightmare. Although well be walking in Australias winter and rain is a distinct possibility, weve opted for lightweight trail shoes which will offer the tread we need without the weight and (hopefully) the blisters and pressure points on the feet. Location/temp range/specific trip description: Seems roughly 0 to 30 degrees C (32-86 degrees F), I'm not very sure though. How big were the towns and what were their supermarkets/food stores/cooperatives like for resupplying? The most important item on any hike is a pair of comfortable, well worn-in boots. Very jealous, Ill add it to my ever-growing bucket list. Then bury it. At the end of the month, we'll be able to track which format and duration were most effective for us. Ive lived in Western Australia all my life, but it wasnt until I walked the Bibbulmun that I really appreciated what a rich and incredibly diverse landscape were blessed with. One of my favourite places to escape to is a little town called Pemberton, 335 kilometres south of Perth. It also provides schools with the resources to participate in the WACE endorsed end-to-end program and students to attain the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Water is available from tanks at each of the 48 campsites along the. Some things Im curious about: if you dont mind answering: What do you bring to take photos? It would have taken way to long and once I start something I'm driven to . The route is well mapped, way-marked and maintained. I have done many day walks, 2 overnight walks and one 4 day/3 night walk on the Bibb. The Bibbulmun Track stretches 1,000 km from Kalamunda in Perth to Albany in the south-west. The current incarnation of the Bibbulmun Track was opened to the public in September 1998. Innovative lightweight backpacking and travel gear for your next adventure. There was a cooperative in Pemberton I didnt know about! I was happy to eat different mueslis, snacks and lunch meals by the end of the hike. When buying a backpack, try on as many packs as you can before making a decision, and ask the shop assistant to add weight to them and adjust the straps to fit your body so you can assess how the pack distributes the weight. Whether you are thinking about planning your first ever walk on the Track or wondering which section to walk next, the Trip Planner pages will assist you regardless of your level of experience. You may be able to ship a resupply to the cafe, called the Three Ways Road House. Again, thank you and happy hiking! Required fields are marked *. Like anything, this can vary enormously in price and quality. Today there is still a timber mill in Pemberton, surrounded by old mill cottages, but tourism is also important for the towns survival. Im in the market to buy a new one but there is so much out there! The Group page. Either plan to supplement your meals with town-bought supplies, or make sure you cook up a decent range of dishes. It was quite a process! How much food you need to take will depend on your metabolism, how long you are walking for, and which section of the track you are doing. Ridiculously crazy and amazing adventures for trail runners. You can get some pretty light self-inflating mats so Id explore that option if you plan on hiking regularly. Water is available from tanks at each of the 48 campsites along the. Walkers should always check the current Track conditions before embarking on a walk. Solar chargers arent up to the job, especially on the Bibb where theres so much tree cover. 55 days on the wallaby -- the Bibbulmun Track 55 days on the wallaby - an unauthorized guide to the Bibbulmun Track (Text by Ian McAuley, photographs by Helen McAuley) In October and November 2008, three of us walked the 966 km length of the Bibbulmun Track, from Albany to Perth. Restocking food has been one of the biggest dilemmas for my hikes. I think the more packs i try the more i go crazy. Open the map and click on a hut and then there is a button to download photos - so do that on Wi-Fi too. On long walks, maps are essential and a compass comes in handy. as we pass through the eight track towns along the route, but other than that will be camping out in the specially designated campsites for Thru-hikers with only the snakes for company. Able to buy peanut butter, tortilla flatbread and instant pasta meals like those kind of things? The Duke of Edinburghs International Award, . Required fields are marked *. Fast forward Finishing the Front Corrugated Iron. Is there anything else less essential you can leave out of your pack? It traverses the Darling Range and has inspired reflections about the state of the Western Australian environment by William J. There is no charge for accommodation and it cant be pre-booked, so if youre hiking for a long time or overnighting during a busy period (e.g. Your email address will not be published. Although walking is a relatively safe pastime, there are hazards associated with the bush. a long weekend) its best to take a tent with you. If youre only walking a section of the Track, planning a walk can be trickier as vehicular access points and public transport are limited. If youre inspired to try, heres (some of) the info youll need to make it happen. Walpole Denmark: Purchase all food in Walpole supermarket to reach Denmark, Denmark Albany: Purchase all food in Denmark shops/supermarket to reach Albany. Most of the sections are somewhere between 20 and 25 kilometres long, or about a full days walk for the average hiker. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Travel from Perth Airport to Fremantle for $4.50, What to take on a multi-day Bibbulmun Track hike. During the workshop, Susan asked everyone to talk about what their dream trip would be. Cate. Pictured here is an impressive Heath Goanna (Varanus rosenbergi). The name comes from the Bibbulmun, or Noongar people, Indigenous Australians . When buying a backpack, try on as many packs as you can before making a decision, and ask the shop assistant to add weight to them and adjust the straps to fit your body so you can assess how the pack distributes the weight. Blisters are a big problem for many hikers, so its worth experimenting with different shoe and sock combinations to see what works for you. The towns on the Bibbulmun Track are pretty spread out, with the greatest distance between two towns being 202 kilometres. I decided to see what my heart picked for me when the time came. Over the last couple of weeks before I left for the Bibbulmun Track, I was up until midnight planning my itinerary, counting sections, cooking up curries, dehydrating meals, weighing portions & allocating food for each day. It was the perfect opportunity for me to wind down from the more rugged and draining hikes of the previous few months. In my defence, I find it difficult to get well-fitting boots because my second toes are longer than my big toes. The Bibbulmun Track passes a wide range of experiences, from a gentle stroll to enjoy the peace and beauty of the natural environment, to an epic eight week adventure camping out at the 49 campsites and enjoying the hospitality of nine communities along the way. Northcliffe had a great food cooperative selling bulk and local food that I wanted to support. The Bibbulmun Trackis a 623mi/1,002km trail that runs near the Southwest coast of Australia from Kalamunda (near Perth) to Albany. May 4th 2016 It is the night before (it actually isn't but I am now writing this all in retrospect) and I am so very excited. Weve bought a Sawyer Squeeze Filter - apparently it gets rid of 99.9% of bacteria and only weighs 85 grams (I did say weight was now the only thing I think about!). was to work out what to take with me. Unfortunately, in the 1930s they found themselves out of work again when the Great Depression hit and many families had to leave their properties. Spring and autumn are the most popular times to walk the track, but winter is my favourite because I love seeing all the creeks and rivers in full flow. How much water youll need to take will depend upon the time of year. The next thing I needed to do in preparation for hiking the Bibbulmun Track (see my previous blog for the background to this crazy idea!) On my last 16-day section hike from Northcliffe to Albany, I lost 5 kilos and that was with a calorie-rich diet, while stuffing my face in each of the towns I visited. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. Id read an article about the newly aligned Bibbulmun Track that would be opening later in the year, but hadnt thought much more about it. The other participants spoke of travelling to exotic places or going on extravagant cruises. . The Bibbulmun Track runs from Perth to Albany, 1000 km and takes about six weeks to thru hike. Full-day walks average about 16 km. As a rough guide, there should be five waugals per kilometre in forest areas, and two per kilometre in more open areas. Many Different Landforms.

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bibbulmun track spreadsheet