bonnie bennett leaves mystic falls fanfiction

tui salary cabin crew. Elijah says he will finish the job. A moment later, Bonnie tries to appear as though she is having trouble getting a table down from a truck so that Mason will come over to help. Waking up in a fantasy universe was not on Alexandra's to-do list, neither was waking up in the body of Elena Gilberts. Through Jeremy's timely intervention, she was able to get back up again and she found the atlas where Damon left notes about Nova Scotia, giving Bonnie the idea of going there to access the power of Qetsiyah's blood in Silas's headstone to bring herself back. Bonnie trying to light candle. Later in the episode, Elena asks Bonnie to cast a spell to hold Alaric's murderous instincts in. Damon cuts in and tells them to leave and that he would take care of the body, since the sheriff shouldn't find out about it. It shows a particular interest in the Bennett bloodline. Bonnie has a heart-shaped face, with full cheeks and a pointed chin. She has known Caroline, Elena, Tyler and Matt since childhood. Bonnie sobs as she believes Jeremy is dead for good, but then he wakes up. Oh because Damon happened to piss off one of her brothers. Reaching out to grab the necklace, Damon is thrust back against a tree with a wooden stake in his side. When Sheila opens the door, Bonnie is crying, and says that she doesn't know what's going on. Work Search: Up in his room, Jeremy tries to talk to Bonnie about being in denial about losing her powers. She performed a spell that linked Elena to Katherine, in order to protect her. Showing up at Carolines home, Elena asks to see Bonnie but Caroline tells her that Bonnie wants to be alone. Instead of rejecting her new circumstances, she sets off on a new path toward freedom and liberation which meant she has to destroy the Other Side. Seeing the truth in what her daughter was saying, Abby once again holds her hands and they begin. Stefansalvatorefanfictionwiki Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Historical Context Warning: Vikings. She warns him that if Damon spills one drop of innocent blood, she will kill him. She comes to Beacon Hills for a fresh start. Opening up the lid, she sees Klauss body and wrapped around his fingers is the necklace. Miss Caroline Forbes. They remain close until Kai Parker links their lives together in season six and they are forced to live without each other. Later, at The Mystic Grill Elena and Bonnie discuss about latest news including her dreams about the Four Coffins. Bonnie in anger burns the pavement and the fire travels up along the water and along with the car is set alight, Stefan runs over to Bonnie and shakes her. At the tomb, Bonnie channels Lukas energy to try and get Jeremy out but she ends up passing out. Bonnie, apologizing, refuses to talk about it. When Caroline reaches out to grab the necklace, she gets a shock from the necklace. If you're not welcomed at home then why stay. She overhears someone talking to Derek about the self-defense classes he offers & decides to take them. Elena is one of Bonnie's best friend since childhood. Looking at Bonnie, Grams tells her to dry her tears because they had some work to do. Stefan is an idiot, Damon is not better, and everyone hates Katherine. Elena is kidnapped by Rose and Trevor and Elijah shows up. Four years later she returns to town more sure of herself and more powerful with two very devoted men at her side. But then one day they up vanished no one knew why or how come. #1 theoriginals 5 unrelated mini-AUs set across 5x11-5x12 where Katherine doesn't get away with her plan to possess Elena, followed by a slightly more canon-compliant AU where she does, except that it unfolds in a way I would've enjoyed watching a lot more. Before they were cheerleaders in high school and they were also best friends with Elena Gilbert. In Ordinary People, Bonnie helps Alaric and Elena by figuring out the marks and the symbols on the walls in the caves. Jeremy was the first to develop romantic feelings for Bonnie and the first to express desire for a more romantic relationship between the two of them. Bonnie is also rather petite at about 5'2" and she is the shortest between herself, Elena and Caroline (with Caroline being the tallest). During this time, they are able to move on from their past and become best friends. Fantasy Vampires Vampire Bonnie Bennnett Kai Parker. Instead of rejecting her new circumstances, she sets off on a new path toward freedom and liberation which meant she has to destroy the Other Side. Para poder protegerla la deja a cargo de Alaric. Damon is shown to be protective of Bonnie by threatening Kai: "We may be having a bit of a disagreement, but don't ever lay a hand on her." Of course, they will need Damon to bring the Grimoire. Bonnie counteracts by saying there's always a choice and every choice he makes someone ends up suffering because of them. A what-if scenario, where Bonnie Bennett throws the Hollow into a prison world, saving Klaus Mikaelson and by proxy saving Elijah Mikaelson. No products in the cart. She tells Caroline to have Damon asked for it back himself. Now he too is locked in the tomb with Katherine. @bonniebennettkingdom / Bonnie also revealed to Elena that she is a descendant of the Salem sorcerers, and that she and her grandmother are supposedly witches. Death was a familiar friend to Bonnie Bennett by now. Bonnie Bennett believed she'd finally discovered her good enough ending. Looking through old spell books, Jeremy and Bonnie try to figure out what to do about the necklace. Previously known as Limitlessly. Bonnie is then seen crying against her car. Feeling scared and not knowing what is going on, Bonnie rushes off to her grandmother's house. The Guardians Of Mystic Falls By: ValarMorghulisDohaeris Reborn as the twin sister of Bonnie Bennett with the knowledge of all the supernatural dickery that's to come and Witchy power at her disposal, Misha Bennett refuses to let her sister become a doormat that Elena walks all over. Disclaimer: ya'll already know, I don't own these characters. Drawn to the city of New Orleans, Bonnie is placed center stage in a war between vampires, witches, and werewolves. Bonnie opens up and tells Jeremy that she feels all alone and he admits that he feels the same way. Bonnie/Emily steps in a pentacle/pentagram on the ground and it begins to burn. Once inside, she hears the whispers of the ancient witches pulling her towards the cellar. Things are awkward between them but it dissipates when Bonnie sees him still wearing the Gilbert ring. Sheila says that the necklace belonged to one of the most powerful witches in their family, and she shows Bonnie an old picture of a woman who is also wearing same the necklace: Emily Bennett. How can Bonnie cope with living two separate lives that are bound to cross path eventually? In Know Thy Enemy, Bonnie works with Jeremy and Damon in order to find the spell they will need to gather the power of the witches killed in the massacre. #1 elenagilbert I loved you exactly as you'd been.". When night comes, Abby is very upset and says to Bonnie she should leave before somebody gets hurt. Stefan tells him to get Elena out of there and reveals he won't leave until Klaus is dead. A spell used to reveal veiled matter which is ghosts.Needing some privacy to perform the spell, Bonnie and Caroline head over to the old mansion where the 100 witches had all died a horrible death. Bonnie also lost herself many times whether literal (her life) or her sense of self (magic and purpose). It all started with a knock on the door. Losing her grandmother was the hardest thing for her to endure, but she continued on moving forward. Bonnie/Isaac with Bonnie/Stiles friendship, tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bonnie Bennett & Jackson Whittemore & Aaron Whitmore, It feels like a tear in my heart, like a part of me missing, Carol Lockwood is Natalie Martin's twin sister, Melissa McCall/Sheriff Stilinski (mentions), Bonnie Bennett/Stiles Stilinski (if you blink you miss it), not how you think or with you who'd think, Danny! Still, she never gave it much thought, accepted it as a fact about herself, like how she had blonde hair and blue eyes, that she was forever second-best, and carried on. Upstairs, Bonnie is willing to kill Klaus now to save Jenna, even though it would mean killing herself. Bonnie had her hands full and just hoped they could make it to the altar in one piece. Soon, Bonnie is surprised to see the necklace laying on the bathroom floor. He also tells her that if anything happens to Luka, she will answer to him. In The Reckoning, Bonnie is placed under extreme stress, where she must find a way for Klaus' hybrids to live, and not die or turn rabid. bonnie bennett leaves mystic falls fanfiction. Language: English Words: 31,613 Chapters: 11 /? When Elena was transitioning into a vampire, Bonnie tried to pull her human spirit from the Other Side but she was stopped by Sheila, who warned her of the dark magic she was using and to stop messing with Nature. She opens up and explains to Luka that lately the spells have been too hard on her. Bonnie Bennett awoke with drool on her arm, she must have dozed off. Seconds later, he sits up straight and grabs her head between his hands. Since Matt had to work, Bonnie steps in to be Caroline's partner. He ventures to a place where Magic and Death ar Caroline regrets the way she treated Klaus, and now she is given a second chance to make things right. Bonnie is trapped in an abusive relationship with Dr. Damon Salvatore. And its pathetic. All these new emotions, these new revelations becoming too much. Holding her motionless for a minute until Stefan pulls him off and falls to the floor dead this time. She even tried to kill him, even when he did not try to defend himself, Bonnie left him in 1903 as revenge for what he did to her. There, she sees she is not alone. My dad's side of the family is like wet paint that never dries.". Elena and Bonnie follow who they think is Alaric to help him. Stefan and Damon realize that Bonnie is their new secret weapon because neither Isobel nor Katherine knew that Bonnie had her powers back and the power of the massacred witches. Her grandmother finally awake from her magic induced coma, has started to drill into her once again to stay away from any vampire business(which Bonnie planned to do anyways after she kills Klaus). Besides Elena being involved, Caroline and Bonnie have never shared a disagreement until Season Seven, when Bonnie is forced to become a Supernatural Huntress. The Mikaelsons and Esther aren't the only new arrivals at Mystic Falls. Looking through her mothers Grimoire, Bonnie tells her there didnt seem to be anything in there to help. Once alone, Elena asks Ben for a glass of water. Hesitant at first, Bonnie soon says yes. Lucy tells Bonnie that she is a good witch and that in the middle is exactly where she belongs. Bonnie proceeds to put an isolation spell on the room. Placing the moonstone in both of their hands, they begin to chant together. At first, Bonnie refuses because she saw Caroline kill a man and is afraid she will do it again. Emily refuses to give him an answer, explaining that there is a natural balance to everything and maybe Damon deserves to die. She calls to Emily, begging her to help as she loves Jeremy. Later on, the two are seen in an empty classroom and Jamie questions her about her circle of friends. This is a huge blow, especially when she discovers Abby's made her own makeshift family in the meantime. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, first day of school and Bonnie, Caroline and Elena reflect on the fact that they were all seniors now and how much their lives had changed.Later,Bonnie is discussing the fact that Jeremy is seeing Anna. AH. Bonnie also sees Alaric and Jeremy there and they all begin to plot out a plan to kill Katherine and rid Mystic Falls of her once and for all.Bonnie and Jeremy arrive at the Lockwood mansion and find an empty room to set up for the trap. nesta and helion fanfiction 0 Vous etes ici: . While there attractions stayed up and running no one could find them. For Season 7, they are closer than ever and Damon looks to protect her (and her vice versa). But also free from the two brothers that had been taking choices away from her from the moment theyd come to town. Bonnie hands over the moonstone. Elijah While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan guides Bonnie and her mother through the caves until they come upon the room where the coffin is being kept. After saving the town of Mystic Falls again and again with noth. By the end of the episode, Abby decides to leave even if Caroline tries to convince her to stay. Lucy seemed to be Katherine's friend and ally. Delena, faint hints of future Steroline., After an act of butchery, Klaus sets out to conquer the throne from a feeble king and the queen who wishes to rule through him. Grams also helped open the tomb, so that Damon would leave town. Before he has a chance to get too loud, Jeremy steps in and asks him to leave. Jeremy is currently away from Mystic Falls and would rather pursue his life chasing vampires than being with her in Mystic Falls. Realizing that she over reacted, Caroline apologized to Bonnie. Jeremy heads off with Luca to show him the office while Bonnie looks on.In the Mystic Grill, Bonnie runs into Luka and his father Jonas Martin. Please consider turning it on! Jeremy confronts Bonnie again on why she wants to kill herself for Elena and they are overheard by Damon. Elena soon arrives to check in on them. At school Elena tells her that Jeremy has been compelled by Damon to leave town and is shocked. After Stefan's passing Caroline began to debate her whole life. When Bonnie was nine years old, she lost her favorite teddy, Ms. Cuddles. Damon is upset because he knows now that Katherine was never in the tomb.Finally convincing them to leave, Elena, Stefan and Damon escape before the tomb is closed again. The pizzaplex use to have a pirate and bassist who was a bowler. In the teacher's lounge, Bonnie attempts to break the spell and Klaus threatens killing Jamie. Ever since Bonnie becomes a little distant from Caroline. Matt explains what had happened and Bonnie soon finds a spell that might help break the spell and send Vicki back. Work Search: She explains that when Vickie was sent back, an old witch managed to keep the door open and now any ghosts with unfinished business could come and go. Bonnie and Stiles grew up playing together and constantly talking to one another. Bonnie threatens to kill them both if Elijah doesn't slay Klaus, adding that she doesn't care if she dies. She ends up in New Orleans. After confiding in Bonnie about it, Bonnie suggested traveling to her old body and making the choices for A collection of TVD characters x reader fics Never knowing who her father was, Bonnie wasn't burned with the need to find him, if he truly wanted something to do with her he would have found her. Meanwhile, Alaric is furious when he discovers that he is unable to leave the house because of another spell Bonnie has performed to keep him safe.Bonnie uses magic against Klaus. KLONNIE short fic,, klonnie fic , it is an au still supernatural starts after prom night, pregnant Bonnie leaves Mystic falls in attempt to offer her unborn child a chance at a calm life but five years later she is forced to knock at klaus door seeking for his help and protection bringing with her the gift and secrets of the past but also trouble. As her powers have increased, Bonnie stepped up at every opportunity to trade her life for those of her friends. Lucy suffocated Katherine and afterwards gave Bonnie the moonstone and left town. I am done being pushed around by all of you. She will become the savior of witches, the chosen, the charmed one! In Miss Mystic Falls, Bonnie is back, and Elena is overjoyed to see her. He requested. Since finding herself in a "pocket reality" or an otherworldly dimension with Damon after seemingly being destroyed along with the imploding Other Side, Bonnie has been trying her best to keep it together despite the stress and frustration of having to live through the same day over and over again with the one person she is fond of the least (or so she says), believing that her Grams made sure that she would find her way back to the physical plane. In Our Town, Bonnie proceeds on opening the coffin, using different spells but they don't work. During the spell the necklace is burned and cracked. They soon discover that Elijah promised Luka and his father that if they help him, he will get Lukas sister back from Klaus. After being resurrected as the Anchor, she cut her hair to chin length, in a straight bob cut style. . in todays video im vlogging my trip to Atlanta, Georgia. In this episode Jeremy and Bonnie's relationship gets deeper. "Go back to leeching.". Ended: ? Mia Rutherford was taken in by Tony Start at the age of 15 after years of torture in the Red Room. . She is unable to let go of the past, as she refused forgiven Malachai Parker for what he did to her in the Prison World, despite the fact that he was no longer the evil psychopath he once was, becoming much more willing to backstab and even kill others. However, Elijah apologizes and dashes away before Bonnie could stop him. How will she cope with all the changes that come with knowing just what lurks in the shadows? In The Sacrifice, Bonnie and Lukas friendship seems to grow every day. Elena tells them that Bonnie can reverse the spell on the device and then they can hand over the device to Isobel. He tells her that he would not hurt her and in fact, he can help her get rid of Emily. Bonnie made a face at him. Bonnie Bennett spent the summer thinking of her failure to kill the wretched hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. !Disclaimer: ya'll know damn well I don't own TVD or the characters. I don't even care that you are thou what if Elena and Jermey weren't the only children what if they had a little sister not just little but three years old named Maya not only that she hasn't really talked Once it was read that "to lose, it meant that you had something" but what can you do after you lost everything that ever gave you meaning? Bonnie walks off, upset. Elena sees Bonnie and approaches her. Warning: SLIGHT torture/rape in in which Stefan Salvatore falls They soon see Bonnie and her mother knocked out. Overhearing this conversation, Damon rushes to the church.Once at the church, Damon sees Bonnie/Emily and demands that she honor her side of the bargain. If anyone asked, and she was truthful, she would say its the first thing she ever knew. ( But she never forgets. He shows her into a room where she sees old Grimoire's. Figuring out what Jeremys plan was, Bonnie tells him that until she speaks with Elena, their romantic relationship can go no farther. Rebekah Mikaelson & Bonnie Bennett Friendship? Bonnie Bennett is a pathetic friend, a pathetic witch and basically a pathetic human being. Later, Bonnie and John explain that they have a spell that could save Elena. Elena hesitatingly gives her the water. I know what that's like. She puts her hands to his chest and soon the lights flicker. Caroline was a shallow girl who envied Elena and usually talked to Bonnie about it. AUTHOR'S NOTE AU TVD + TO- Of Deviants & Barbarians: Book 1 -. Damon tells Stefan that Bonnie fed Alaric her blood in order to complete his transition. Unfortunately, she also realizes that her sire bond to Damon isn't fully broken and goes to Rebekah for help, help that involves a little trip to New Orleans. What she doesn't know is that she is a critical piece in a plan Esther set in motion a thousand years ago. Through the summer,winter,autum or fall I would choose you Bonnie. Klaus After Elena turns her humanity back on, they make amends and Elena apologizes for her actions, to which Bonnie replies, "You weren't you. But she never imagined she would be betrayed this way, people she thought were her allies betraying her, people she thought were her enemies coming to care for her. Bonnie is shocked next when he asks her to join him later at the Mystic Grill. He also told her how to kill Klaus. Setting up many candles at Carolines house, Bonnie prepares to try and get information regarding Klaus from Luka. Bonnie/Void Stiles **Trigger warnings/rating is subject to change**. After it seems that Alaric has fell asleep, Damon walks out of the tomb to see Bonnie walking towards him. Can Bonnie keep up with the charade and at what cost? Femslash. The next day, Bonnie and Elena have a conversation in the kitchen which starts off with Alaric and ends with Elena apologizing about Abby. Outside, Elena is in severe pain and Bonnie decides she can help out by putting a spell on her that takes away the pain. Even though Matt is feeling lonely, Bonnie reassures Matt; "Youre the only one of us who actually gets to live their life like a normal person, no matter how lost you feel. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (48), Bonnie Bennett/Malachai "Kai" Parker (13), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson & Stefan Salvatore Friendship, Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Elijah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Kol Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Rebekah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Finn Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Help the author make up her indecisive mind, Original Bennett Character(s) (Vampire Diaries), Various Vampire Diaries Universe Character(s), Mikaelson Family & Bennett Family - Freeform. A moment later, the necklace is nowhere to be found. She soon comes across a ripped out page and asks her mother about it. I Don't Like The Gilberts Or The Salvatores, Bonnie Bennett/Katherine Pierce/Damon Salvatore, Through all the seasons (Id still choose you), bonnie bennett is done with everyones shit, Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore Friendship, Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert (Past mentions). However, Alaric teases Jeremy by revealing that he overheard Bonnie's suggestion that he thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". Not ever again. She had died countless times now, most times willingly for her friends but as she lay . Jeremy races over to Bonnie to check on her. They decide to do manicures and Caroline goes into Bonnie's bag to get the kit out. Trigger warnings. During the sance, the threesome start to get scared when a breeze blows through and the candles begin to flicker. "Silas killed him, Bonnie. When Kai crawls out of Hell in S8, he does the smart thing and gets out of Mystic Falls. She tells him that she knows who she is now and understands her powers. Bonnie has shown that she makes a very loving, devoted, loyal and caring friend. She finds out that her mom is raising a guy named Jamie and the reason why she left her. Luka starts by apologizing if his father was being too much of a snoop but that they just needed to be careful. Finally after a struggle, the door opens and Bonnie appears calm and slightly different. . In Katerina, Bonnie gets out of her car and accidentally drops her books. Slow updates Elena pulls Bonnie aside to talk more privately about exactly whats been going on with Katherine and Caroline. Feeling that she can trust Elena, Bonnie swears her to secrecy and shows some of the things her grandmother taught her. Grabbing her arms to stop her, Bonnie instantly feels a connection to Lucy. So why does if feel like he's the one saying goodbye? Elena heads on down the stairs but runs into Bonnie. Once again, Bonnie gives Elena the cold shoulder. He tells her that they are no longer suffering and that only blood can bring them back. "Then stop with the river dancing. Although Bonnie puts on a facade of strength and courage, she has proven that deep down, she is very emotionally vulnerable and she is in need of love, comfort and support. Bonnie tells him that witches too have a weakness. She tells Bonnie that she must go to the place where she was scared and face it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Three years later, Damon is awakened by Stefan being Rayna Cruz is after him once again. Bonnie begins to read the spell. Bonnie later pays her respect to The Gilbert Family by attending John and Jenna's funeral. Having been a cheerleader, Bonnie has a slim yet athletic figure. In Haunted, Bonnie learns more and more about witchcraft from her grandmother, Sheila. As she listens to her,she tries to light a candle. For a new family, would soon come to Mystic Falls, with one member in particular, seeking out . Thinking this will be the only way to get Damon to leave them all alone. Bonnie is also shown to be a romantic, someone who finds comfort in love and romance, although at first, she is more focused on her identity as a witch and protecting her friends. Suddenly Anna appears and warns Jeremy that the darkness was there. She then decided to lock herself in the garage with the engine of Damon's car running, trying to suffocate herself to death. I was even aspiring to become a occult teacher but then I died. He then approaches Bonnie and takes her head in his hands and demands to know where Elena is. They end up kissing, but were interrupted by Damon who needed Bonnie's help in lifting the spell that Esther placed in order to keep the vampires in the school. Bonnie realizes that she knows what to do and takes him away with Alaric, who has just arrived. On her way out, Bonnie bumps into Caroline. Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna, she then informed Caroline who in turn relayed this information to Bonnie. bonnie gets a black friend Bonnie gains a backbone but still fights for her friends Bonnie has agency Rebekah gets a friend as well Bonnie has major storylines oc's have storylines as well elena gets a happy ending Bonnie gets a happy ending Mentions of Myth & Folklore Norse Mythology - Freeform Ancient Egyptian Literature & Mythology A doppelganger self-insert written by someone who is sick of the August is by far the most powerful Addam. She screams for Bonnie to stop when she sees the fire reach Damon. AU. On the next page, she notices a rope with two knots. These are a compilation of all my vampire diaries imagines. Bonnie tells him yes but before she can say anymore, Jeremy arrives and they head over to the pool tables. She quickly becomes friends with Lydia and Deaton takes her under his wing. In this one, Elena comes to them with hope in her eyes and determination in her heart. Some are All Human, some are Off-Canon all are Bamon centric! When Carol Lockwood complains about the unlit candles in the uncrowded room and the waiter goes to get the matches from the kitchen, Bonnie amazes herself by lighting one and the one lite candle lighting the unlit candles and the lights with her powers. He picks up Elena and pulls the stake out of Stefan's back.

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bonnie bennett leaves mystic falls fanfiction