how to respond to it was a pleasure meeting you

How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? It was a pleasure as always. Im glad to be welcomed onto the team. Im glad that we got to spend some time working closely together over these last few days. And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. We say thank you because the person speaking to us is being polite and kind. E.g., you can use such phrases as It's great connecting with you., Pleased to meet you., Lovely to meet you., How do you do?, or Delighted to make your acquaintance (but this one is super formal!). ", Another detail we can include is the time in which the discussion took place. What if its your new colleague? However, I always reply this way, Thank you. Hello. It was a pleasure. is more appropriate, and the choice between talking to or talking with was questioned. Best reply for is was a pleasure meeting you [closed] Believe me, I wish to say the same to you! If you don't reply for the next three hours. Yeah, we are definitely on the same page about how nice it was! These options allow you not to use meet back. I think there's also a distinction between talking. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Do you say speaking with you or speaking to you? This reply actually works two ways. Thank you. Some of the most common responses from the other person are: Pleasure/nice/glad to meet you, too It is (very) nice to meet you, too. It helped to ease my mind about the way things are going right now. Thank you for coming to me with these concerns. WebIt was great meeting you, Abbie. Hello. B: It was great to be here, too, Val. Its great to get in touch with you. How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? We should have dinner or lunch sometime. It works by showing them that youre interested in working with them, even if you dont quite have anything ready for them at the minute. "I'm always going to remember my time working here. While similar to being delighted, there are still different ways we can use nice, like so: Again, we can use a more powerful word than nice to reply to nice meeting you. Changing the reply to It was a pleasure meeting you is a great way to show that youre enthusiastic and happy that you met your business partner. Lovely is a slightly more informal adjective in this case, so it works best when youve already set up a comfortable and familiar relationship with the recipient. It's a bit formal. It's important to say one of these phrases before leaving It was lovely to meet you yesterday. Same here. Its a pleasure to meet you Pleasure to meet you too It was nice meeting you too The pleasure is mine Formal and Informal: Its very nice to meet you Nice to meet you too Lovely to meet you. There's a whole range of possible answers, ranging from "Thank you" to "The pleasure was mine", with some neutral and perhaps even derogatory replies possible (try to avoid the derogatory ones :) ). "@context": "", I hope we can do this again soon works when you want to talk to someone again. You wouldnt suggest a second meeting if you did not enjoy your time with them. I sure hope hell be happy to meet up with me again in the future. I've learned so much, had amazing experiences, and worked with some great people. This response on Quora is helpful. Nice to meet you too! I think the reply should be something like this: And to you too Where "And" represents "it was nice talking". Simply, it can be interpreted as A You always seem to know how to make business lunches more interesting. Get the most rated articles on your email! Before you decide to skip the social nicety, consider the context of your email. Related: How to Respond to a Mean Text Message? Plain and simple, It was good talking to you is something we could use with relatively distant connections, such as those we do not necessarily interact with all the time. It was nice to talk to you about this. (friendly/enthusiastic) -Good chatting with you too! How do you calculate calories in home cooked food? Im sure there will be plenty of opportunities in the future that will allow us to work through more issues. It was nice to catch up, as always. @Ollie: Well, I'd expect virtually every native speaker to be familiar with this "stock response" - I only included a link to show just, Responding to "It was nice to talk to you",, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Differences between "How are you? Similarly to the above section, it was nice to make your acquaintance is another variation. Im glad we could have this discussion. John. Are you a native speaker? Is a PhD visitor considered as a visiting scholar? Meet You Frequently Asked Questions Sometimes, youll sign emails off or start them in this way: I look forward to working with you is a great reply to nice meeting you. It shows that they left a good impression on us and that were more than happy to consider them a work colleague when that time presents itself. good or great). “Was” is one of the simple past forms of “be.”" It was nice to catch up, Barry. B: Pleasure having you in town again, Mrs. Murphy. Like It was good talking to you, using I enjoyed talking to you also helps in avoiding impressions of being overrated. PLEASURE can be noun and verb. It was a real pleasure talking to you, sir. Is it appropriate to use "reunion" for meeting only one person after a long time? But no matter which of them you choose, you can be sure that your email will sound very polite both if it is a work communication or a more informal one. It was nice to talk to you about this. This establishes you're familiar with the other person's work and skills and fosters having a positive interaction. Meeting you is used when you have only just met someone. rev2023.3.3.43278. Its a good choice if you want to be polite and respectful. It was lovely to see you is somewhere between informal and formal English. We could do that, for sure. Needless to say, today can be conveniently replaced by other time expressions like this morning, this afternoon, or this evening, depending on the conversational context. Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. In this view, It was nice talking to you should be more suitable. Which one is correct and natural? pleasure meeting you Languages have always been my passion and I have studied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Sinology at the University of Zurich. What sort of strategies would a medieval military use against a fantasy giant? Exchanging positive greetings such as hellos and goodbyes is common across most, if not all, cultures around the world. If the message is strictly business, for example, then bypassing the nice to meet you part could make your email sound a bit too abrupt. It might not be the best option for a formal alternative, but it still works well when youre showing that you had a good time. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. It was nice talking to you. I hope we can do it again as soon as the new findings come through. I appreciated your time. The message itself also signals the idea that the conversation or interaction went well or at least as planned and expected. At school, asked by a teacher to share something with the class, It would be my pleasure to answer the question.. If you had an eye-opening conversation with them, its worth using a phrase like this to show them that they are valued. 27 Ways to Say Nice to Meet You in Speaking & Writing If you want to go all Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers on him, you respond, "Likewise, I'm sure." Also, instead of using today, other adverbials can obviously be used such as earlier as in It was a pleasure talking to you earlier on the phone., 14. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation today. Thank you These examples will shed some light on how you can use this: Steering away from greetings slightly, I had a great time is another reply we could try. So, in our post today, we list down different ways of expressing the same intent as with It was a pleasure speaking with you.. Im glad you could share it with me. Meanwhile, we may also use It was great seeing you if we do not want to specify the act of talking to or speaking with the other person. Me: It was my pleasure! My pleasure is an idiomatic response to It To many ways to vary it, more results for "is all", or 'it' instead of pleasure, or simply "all mine" in response. { That way, I can pencil it into my diary. Related: 11+ Ideas How to Respond to a Cancellation Request? B: Thank you for the invitation. I started playing the guitar recently for my pastime. It was very nice to meet you too. I think its wise if we set up another meeting with a few other leaders. This time, you can use nice as the adjective rather than saying a pleasure. It shows that youve had a good time getting to know someone or talking to them in a professional capacity. We dont actually shake hands with that person, nor do we make eye contact. @syntaxerror where do you live? Acquaintance is a strong, formal word that people use in emails in this way to show that were happy to have been introduced to someone. Once you reach an agreement, you could tell the people you negotiated with that it was a pleasure working with them by using the following phrases: "Thank you so Let me know if theres anything else you need from me at any point. It was a pleasure talking to you. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. Example: A: It The use of to is indeed in favor (compared to with). I hope you dont mind me saying that Im quite surprised by how well that went. And I use "It was a pleasure meeting you" or "It was a pleasure to meet you." In touch is a phrase that means establish communication with someone, which is quite literally what youre doing when you email someone. Yes, if you know that your interlocutor is ok with that. Bill: Pleased to meet you. rev2023.3.3.43278. The pleasure was really mine/us or it was a pleasure too? Me: I assure you, the pleasure was all mine (shake hands). However, there is nothing wrong in replying with exactly the same phrase. I look forward to working with you, and I. I am happy you decided to contact me again, and it was a pleasure meeting you, too. Read more about Martin here. I am pleased to meet you too. I enjoyed researching the best practices and creating the report. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I had a great time works when we want to show that we enjoyed our business meeting. Which one would you say? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It shows gratitude with a simple thank you while also expressing that you learned something from meeting someone. "@type": "Answer", When compared to It was a pleasure speaking with you, this expression is inarguably more casual because of the usage of the idiomatic verb phrase to catch up.. It provides evidence from a corpus (COCA) that is related to "It was nice to talk to you. Like this, you will show that you do care for them, and besides, everyone loves to be recognized and to be some kind of famous! Im glad to be welcomed onto the team. We could see this work in the following ways: Another option is to make sure theyre comfortable and doing well. We say good things to people all the time. I had a great time. Another simple and direct goodbye expression we can use is I had a great time with you. This one also implies the act of speaking or talking with the other person even if it is not stated. This is a great email opener especially when we want to formally introduce ourselves to a business prospect or a possible employer." This seems like the tongue-in-cheek dark, twisted brit humour Best reply for is was a pleasure meeting you [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Concise words for "completed" and "planned" tasks in meeting minutes, How should I reply to "Dude, are you there?". Same here."? Jones: It was nice talking to you. Im glad we could meet. Its been great to talk to you again. 12 Best Replies To Nice Meeting You On Email How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? Read more about Martin here. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? I appreciate you meeting me. Sometimes, its perfectly acceptable to respond with OK if it makes sense in the context. Lets meet again, okay? It was good to talk to you is a good choice even if youre not familiar with the person youre speaking to. If meet you I'm actually quite surprised to discover that the Google Books finds no instances before these two from 1900. (shake hands) We must doing it again soon! So now we are sure that you will not get puzzled when hearing or reading that nice to meet you phrase since you have a lot of optional answers to choose from! The difference is that I had a lovely time with you sounds even more pleasant than It was lovely seeing you because of the deliberate use of the pronoun I., We can make use of I had a lovely time with you to sound way more likable and genuine than It was lovely seeing you.. It was a pleasure meeting you Yes, it was. With their help, you will be able to reply to a common introduction in a more original and definitely less awkward way! It still works in both contexts. It is a great pleasure to meet you as well. ", I wasnt sure if it would be worth the time, but you proved me wrong. I hope you make some time for me again in the future, as I had a really fun time here. Im glad we could meet. I hope well be working closely in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, Mario. You dont have to use nice, either. It only takes a minute to sign up. Nice meeting you too. Its been great to talk to you. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. WebThe first sentence is correct by saying, It was a pleasure meeting you. The second sentence is grammatically incorrect. I'm pleased to meet you, Sally. It was lovely to meet you. a. the same (for me it sounds too short and informal, but it can be used when texting? you (8 Better Alternatives), 12 Better Ways To Say Best Regards (Professional Email), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. But if you are a businessman or a business lady, you know that time values greatly, and so you would rather spend it on making business rather than on empty and useless talks. Thank you. We could meet for coffee tomorrow if youre free. Sam: Oh! We can use this expression, for instance, when dealing with business acquaintances with whom we bump into at random. It was a privilege to meet you here. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. We can make use of this expression after bumping into a friend in a public place and shortly talking with that person. Moreover, the expression It was a pleasure to talk to you is an even more widely-used alternative for It was a pleasure talking to you., However, It was a pleasure talking to you is meanwhile more popular than our expression today which is It was a pleasure speaking with you.. It shows that you respect and value their time. B: Thanks for inviting us over. Was is one of the simple past forms of be., We can thank someone for speaking with us via phone by using the expression It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone earlier today/this afternoon/yesterday, Mr./Ms. We should hang out again soon. What do you reply to its my pleasure? pleasure meeting you This article will explore the twelve best replies to the phrase. Its a pleasure meeting you too. This will surely help you to establish strong and positive social bonds with them! However, if we are to make it more visible, the preposition with conveys more warmth than the preposition to; this nuance makes speaking with you the default choice. It only takes a minute to sign up. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. It would be rude not to accept the compliment. This is a polite phrase that you say to someone that you've just met for the first time at the end of the conversation. I hope Ive convinced you to change your mind. I had a great time with you. I will let you know if something comes up that we can work on together. "Although I'm leaving, I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was being your colleague." I hope we can do this again soon. You might think that the reason is in the very person whom we have to respond to since not all the people we meet are nice. B: I had a great time too, Ash. 1) I started playing the violin recently. What is the best time / are the best times for a meeting? I am glad to meet you too. You dont have to write to meet you after pleasure. The phrase already works well to show that you enjoyed your time with someone. In a business letter/email, is it acceptable to skip the nice to meet you part? If youve had a good experience with your first meeting, this phrase should work really well to show them that youve enjoyed everything that youve spoken about. Anyway, be careful when using this reply! Its quite versatile, so it can work well in either context. ", which is an issue raised by an ELL member, syntaxerror, that "It was nice talking to you." When someone says "It was nice meeting you" or "Great meeting you" it means that they met for the first time. Nice meeting you works well in business contexts when signing off from an email. Its a good phrase to use to show that you enjoyed the first meeting with someone. It shows that you had a good time talking to them. If we want to show the person that we are excited to meet him or her, we would most likely use. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. dude, the Trump troll was funny. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Thank you very much. How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? What about these options I wrote off the top of my head? 30+ Ideas How to Respond to Nice to Meet You? - Beezzly Other ways to say it was a pleasure to meet you are it was nice to meet you, it was lovely to meet you, and Im glad we could meet. These phrases are excellent in an email to show someone you enjoyed meeting and discussing something with them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'grammarhow_com-box-3','ezslot_3',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-box-3-0'); It was nice to meet you is one of the best synonyms you can use. It was lovely to see you all. It was nice meeting you, too. Welcome, a good response is, Thank you! If one of you says, Thank you! first, one of the appropriate responses is, Youre welcome. Other responses might include, Dont mention it. It was nothing.. Thank you, and I hope all is well with you. -Yes, it was nice to talk with you too. We could use this phrase as follows in our emails: I am delighted to make your acquaintance is a brilliant choice if you want to keep the formality high. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? This way of responding is best to be used if you are excited about building a new working relationship with a new person, your colleague, at work. likewise: similarly so with me [answered likewise to Pleased to meet you]. It has been a As a simple reply, you can use "The pleasure is mine". It was nice to meet you yesterday. (shake hands) We must doing it again soon! }, They allow you to learn more about what might be happening outside of your immediate circle. ]

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how to respond to it was a pleasure meeting you