W5T Mobile Top 10

W5T Mobile Top 10

Awesome things you can do with the W5 Templates mobile app.

1. Voice record client / project notes
2. Call a client / one touch
3. Message a client
4. Record your business mileage
5. Record business expenses
6. Create a new contact
7. Edit a contact’s information
8. Have your phone navigate you to an address
9. Review all previous notes for a client / project.
10. Scan home screen for what’s due today (green), coming up (yellow), past due (red)

Free trial of mobile app available here.

Dave Oshlag has been helping companies large and small stay organized and focus on the right projects for more than 25 years.  His specialty is saving hours of time wasted on disorganized systems without spending thousands of dollars. He’s best known for enabling massive changes in productivity with tools like W5 Templates that are simple, streamlined and get people organized quickly.