Dr. Michelle S. Bisno – W5T Testimonial

AIM logoFinding a product to fit my behavioral style in keeping in close contact with my clients was imperative for my consulting business. I know how I work:  I work very hard in getting results and keeping in close contact with my clients. I do need detailed information however, I need it quickly. I am always multitasking so I needed something to fit me.
W5T was able to help me to: 1) Get result quickly, 2) Provide me with enough detailed information but not too overwhelming in constantly having to put information in all of the time, and 3) Feel close to my contacts  in knowing what I spoke to them about in the past and where we are going in the future.
As a talent management and human resource consultant, finding the right tool for the person’s behavioral style is critical. Are they result driven or people oriented? Do they need a lot of detail or just enough to have a conversation with a potential client? Are they assisting a person who needs information quickly or are they managing and servicing current clients?
Whatever the job task is and whatever the individuals’ behavioral style is, W5T can help to fit this resource into your line of work. I am so happy I found this!
Dr. Michelle S. Bisno


Dave Oshlag has been helping companies large and small stay organized and focus on the right projects for more than 25 years.  His specialty is saving hours of time wasted on disorganized systems without spending thousands of dollars. He’s best known for enabling massive changes in productivity with tools like W5 Templates that are simple, streamlined and get people organized quickly.